Dashlane download for mac
Dashlane download for mac

dashlane download for mac

It’s a neat touch and another good reason to give it a go. You can then easily track down these passwords and change them to something better, such as a random string of characters generated by Dashlane itself.ĭashlane will even alert you when it detects a website has been breached, potentially compromising your account and password on that site, as well as any other sites that share the same password. You manage your passwords and digital wallet through a standalone app, which opens at the Security Dashboard, which gives you an overall safety rating based on the strength and repetition of your passwords.

Dashlane download for mac install#

You can even tie Dashlane in with Google Authenticator to add another layer of two-factor authentication for even greater security.ĭashlane works with Edge (Windows), Safari (Mac only), Chrome and Firefox – the installer will offer to add browser add-ons for all supported browsers, or you can select which ones to install by clicking Custom. You can also tie your stored passwords to a single device rather than have it securely synced across all your computers and mobiles. You won’t last long relying on weak, easily guessable passwords to protect your personal data when online, so password managers like LastPass that lock all your passwords away behind a single, master password, have much to recommend them.ĭashlane is a lesser known entity among password managers, but there is a lot to like: AES-256 encryption that derives its key directly from your master password, so it’s not stored anywhere, for example. These days, a third-party password manager is de rigueur for anyone venturing on to the internet with a clutch of online accounts.

Dashlane download for mac